Monday, 14 October 2019

7/ Deciding on a story

ESSAY RESEARCH Looking at plastic merchandising, toys. 
Deciding not to focus too much on capitalism as it’s not so much about the psychological effects, and it brings
 in a whole other discussion of sustainability, consumerism etc. which is too big a topic for this essay. Looking at diversity in 
animation, this talks about a film called ‘Mila’. Talks about bridging diversity and using animation for something 
higher. Their TED talk discussing why diversity is beneficial:  Listening to female stories and issues. 


I've been trying to find inspiration for my practical response, I have found Pixar's Bao interesting  
It's relevant to my essay because it’s about the first female (and of colour) directed Short film. It interested me 
Domee Shi mentions the comparison between the fairy tale of the gingerbread man and the little dumpling child.
This has influenced me to look at fairy tales as well as folk tales to re imagine for my COP practical; or how I could 
put a twist on one of these stories for an extended practice idea. There are similarities with the painting ‘Saturn’ 
which has made me realise that my story doesn’t need to be sickly sweet to be child friendly. It can be a bit gotesque 
so long as it’s pallatable. So I had a look at the Hunchback of Notredame to look at a questionably ‘scary’ children’s 
tale; I realised the kids genre isn’t homogenous and that I can pick a specific age group. How to understand what is 
expected of the different age restrictions:
allows you to review whether a title is child friendly with tickboxes such as: positive messages, positive role models,  
 Educational Value, Positive Messages, Violence & scariness, Sexy stuff, Language, Drinking, Drugs & Smoking.  
This shows me the range that is in a children’s genre
I found the story ‘The stone of the wise men’ which was interesting but didn’t represent a specific culture. I have 
decided to look for a story which has: a moral, a defining culture and potential for interesting story telling visuals- 
using art as a learning tool.
Story options: 
Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Fair is also a 
scary children’ story and an alternative telling of the more commonly known Cinderella. 

I have decided on finding stories that have a moral message within them, rather than just being a folk tale, I would like to focus on using the medium as a tool for learning about a culture.

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