Friday, 29 December 2017

Study Task 5- Practical Approaches

I will be investigating the connection between background and character design in assisting narrative- I hope this may lead me to the reasons behind the decisions artists make in animations and that it will influence my work to create stronger designs. This directly relates to my personal practice because of my interest in pre-production (character and background) and a desire to be a better character animator. I imagine my sketchbook will be a mix of formal research, combined with experimental work of character and background design as well as hoping to look into sentient space and anthropomorphism. These may extend from traditional drawing techniques to digital work.
My work may also be influenced by the research I do- starting at interviews and research into successful artists work and their creative decisions, and that of more academic theories relating to film and animation theory. I will try to explore why we empathize with animation and hope to show my findings in my sketchbook work. In order to benefit my practice, the outcome of my practical work will most likely include character and background designs or possibly short animations relating to my research.

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Essay Research

Initial research notes- a collection of the research I collected, attempting to contexualise quotes and find links to focus on a theme before writing an introduction