Finding Research Sources Study Task
Week 3
17 October - 23 October
Choosing a quotation and theme to work on for the next few months... and finding initial research responses to our choice.
Theme: History
Quote: "The history we read[...]though based on fact, is, strictly speaking, not factual at all, but a series of accepted judgements"
Carr E.H. (1961) What is history? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Undertones: History - Ideology - Propaganda - Linear - Non Linear - Truth - Revisionism - Politics - Power
LCA Library
- Fredrik Stromberg, 741.5. (2010) Comic Art Propaganda: a graphic history,
United Kingdom: ILEX
- Paul Ricoeur, 306 RIC. (1965) History and Truth,
Northwestern University Press
- Jacques Ellul, 306 ELL. (1968) Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, Vintage Books e. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc
- Quentin Skinner (1965) History and Ideology in the English Revolution
The Historical Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 151-178, Cambridge University Press
Accessed on: 17-10-16
- David Shambaugh (2007) China's Propaganda System: Institutions, Processes and Efficacy
The China Journal, No. 57 , pp. 25-58, The University of Chicago Press
Accessed: 17-10-2016
- Leonard W. Doob (1950) Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda
The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 419-44, Oxford University Press
Accessed: 17-10-2016
- Cynthia Herrup (1996) What's in a Name?
Journal of British Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2, Revisionisms, pp. 135-138, Cambridge
University Press
Accessed: 17-10-2016
- Hadley Cantril (1938) Propaganda Analysis
The English Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Mar., 1938), pp. 217-22, Published by: National
Council of Teachers of English
Accessed: 17-10-2016
Google Books
- Ann Curthoys, John Docker (2010) Is History Fiction?
UNSW Press,
- Jeff Riggenbach (2009) Why American History is not What They Say
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009
- Edward Hallett Carr (2008) What is History? Penguin
Phillip.M.Taylor (2003) Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda, Third Edition
Manchester University Press
- What are some recent examples of revisionist history?
Accessed on: 28-10-16
- Schulze-Wechsungen , Political Propaganda “Politische Propaganda,” Unser Wille und Weg, 4(1934), pp. 323-332.
- Global Research (2016) Truth, War Propaganda, CIA and Media Manipulation